The “Truth” only will set you free! or “A part in search of a play,”

I’ve been giving a lot of thought recently about “truth” and the expression “The truth will set you free.”

Do you remember Shakespeare’s quote: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players. 

Have you ever felt like you were a part in search of a play?

What I’ve realized is that along with controlling our thoughts and our response to the circumstances of our lives, the only other thing we can control is a desire for Our “truth” and the belief that our “climb” in life is ultimately about discovering Our truth.

A funny thing about life is that if we are not actively pursuing our “truth” than life will create the circumstances in which we are forced to face it.

Some people refer to this metaphorically as “facing the abyss”. 

About MZR

I am a middle aged man trying to be the best person I can become, make a positive difference in our world, while trying to make sense of my life's journey.
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