Monthly Archives: December 2017

What Christmas Means

Dec 25, 2017 Chris Hedges- Truth Dig  Mr. Fish / Truthdig In the early 1980s I was in a refugee camp for Guatemalans who had fled the war into Honduras. It was a cold, dreary winter afternoon. The peasant farmers … Continue reading

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The Permanent Lie, Our Deadliest Threat

Chris Hedges Dec 18, 2017 The Permanent Lie, Our Deadliest Threat Mr. Fish / Truthdig The most ominous danger we face does not come from the eradication of free speech through the obliteration of net neutrality or through Google algorithms … Continue reading

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Magical Thinking Is Stopping Us From Taking to the Streets

A Donald Trump protester on Inauguration Day. (Fibonacci Blue / Wikimedia)   Paul Street TruthDig- Dec 11, 2017 The archplutocratic tax cut Washington politicians are working on this holiday season ought to be a call to arms for the United … Continue reading

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Gangster Capitalism and Nostalgic Authoritarianism in Trump’s America

Gage Skidmore Dec 6, 2017 Henry Giroux / Salon Just one year into the Donald Trump presidency, not only have the failures of American democracy become clear, but many of the darkest elements of its history have been catapulted to … Continue reading

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America’s War on America

America’s War on America The Capitol in Washington at dawn before the Senate Republicans passed their sweeping tax bill. (J. Scott Applewhite / AP) This world is one great battlefield, With forces all arrayed; If in my heart I do … Continue reading

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